Dusseldorf PyPy/HPy/other sprint Sept 19-23, 2022
I'm happy to announce that we will finally have another PyPy/HPy/other sprint in Düsseldorf, Germany from September 19-23, 2022.
The sprint will be located at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. Many thanks to Carl Friedrich for organizing this.
We will again follow an open format, i.e., everyone that is interesting in HPy, PyPy, or some related topic is welcome to join the sprint.
See also the announcement on the PyPy blog.
Goals and topics of the sprint
From the HPy point of view, there is no strict agenda. The main goal of the sprint is to make progress on HPy in any way you can think of. This includes but is not limited to:
- Review, discuss, maybe merge open GitHub PRs.
- Hacking on HPy: implement new features, fix bugs, etc.
- Come up with ideas for blog posts or even write blog posts.
- Migrate packages to HPy or just determine candidates for migration.
- Document the HPy API.
- Create small documented and tested porting examples and/or a small porting guide.
We do not organize an accommodation. A hotel close the campus is the HK-Hotel Düsseldorf but we rather recommend to book something in the city center since we will usually end up there in the evenings. The convenient parts of town are something like Altstadt, Stadtmitte, Friedrichstadt, Carlstadt, or Unterbilk.
There is no formal registration nor any fee for participation. Just to know who we should expect to show up, please follow the instructions on the PyPy blog.